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Congregation BINA Canadian Jews of Indian Origin. Canadian Jews of Indian Origin. Congregation BINA has achieved a lot over the years by the diligence, dedication and enthusiasm of its various Board members and the active support of the community. Hours of hard work, lovingly given, have formed the cornerstone upon which the foundation of this organization was laid. Sign up for our newsletter.
Please contact the office at 516-623-4200 for further details.
Our beautiful Ballroom is available for rentals on Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons or evenings. Please contact the Temple office at 516-623-4200 for more information and date availability.
V duchu ignaciánskej spirituality sa v živote snažíme hľadať Boha v službe druhým. V modlitbe a vo vnímavosti na Božiu prítomnosť v našom srdci sa usilujeme zistiť ako Boh chce, aby sme mu slúžili v iných. Zvádzal si ma, Pane, nuž dal som sa zviesť, uchopil si ma a premohol. Noví absolventi kurzu Duchovné sprevádzanie 2015. Otvorenie nových spoločenstiev v Bratislave 2014. Cesta CVX formácie úlohy pre vedúcich spoločenstiev. Európske stretnutie CVX - Regensburg, jún 2014.
Reunion con Directivas de Apoderados.