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My name is Riria i am 11 years old my best friend is. Millie Mae McCutcheon and my favourite. Colours are hot pink, purple, blue and green. I am in a dance class at Porangahau school and we have did our first public dance at one of our assembly and it felt really awesome because it was cool standing on the stage and dancing i really like dancing and i think that i could go a long way in the dance class. His is Our Dance Group. We look amazing with our t-shirts.
The people who are in my class are P. Hogan, Hazel, Millie, Anna, Zayde,. Max, Riria, Waitaha, James and. I have got one brother called Liam. He is good at anoying me. My Mum is called Selina she works at my school and my Dad is Cookie and he is a good farmer. Help on how to format text.
Get your brand new Wikispaces Classroom now. Hi my name is HAZEL. I am 11 years old. I was born on 1999 December the 10. My hobbies are horse riding and swimming. my favourite colours are Red and Black. Kyle Hogan,Waitaha Anna Brianna Riria. Ko Tamatea Arikinui te rangatira. Ko Te Awapùtahi te maunga.
The easiest way to manage your class. Hi my name is James Sciascia-Bland. I live right next too the Porangahau School. My favorite colours are blue, purple, red, green, black and pink. I have a sister who also goes to this School her name is Erina Sciascia- Bland. My Mum Is Janice Sciascia and my Dad is Kelvin Bland.
Wikispaces Classroom is now free, social, and easier than ever. Hi my name is Kyle I am 11 years old I am going to be 12 in the 8th october 2011 the rest of my name is charls winkn dunkin soler. Go back to the home page. I live down wimbildon rd on a farm. Help on how to format text.
Get your brand new Wikispaces Classroom now. Survival Of The Animal Attack. Hi my name is Max. I like playing hockey,rugby,and swImming and I like to run and bike. Help on how to format text.
Get your brand new Wikispaces Classroom now. MEET MY LOVING KIND CARING FAMILY. I have one lovely Mum named Puala May McCutcheon. And two sister named Lucy Ann McCutcheon and Poppie Alice McCutcheon. I have no Brothers but I want one. I have lots and lots of cousin but. Oh well I had beter introduce myself. My name is Millie Mae McCutcheon.
Help on how to format text.
Get your brand new Wikispaces Classroom now. I have a brother and a sister. I am 10 yrs old. My house is on a big hill and behind it is a pine forest called nga rakau o waitaha. My hobbies are hunting, cross country, rugby, basket ball, and being artistic. My favourite food would have to be a good old Queen peach. My favourite sauce is sweet Thai chilli sauce. My favourite subject at school is Te reo. I love the out doors.
Get your brand new Wikispaces Classroom now. Hi my name is Zayde I am ten years old. i live on a small farm with my parents and two of my brothers named Liam and Seth. Help on how to format text.
Domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015. Seguiré compartiendo enlaces e imágenes. Domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015. Súperconcurso Aniversario en Por Amor a los Libros. Un año más, Yoryi y Vaani, las administradoras de Por Amor a los Libros.
Sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2015. O motorista nem havia parado o carro e a jovem moça já tinha aberto a porta e saído dele, dirigindo-se apressada em direção ao agente da Receita Federal e ao policial rodoviário que a esperavam, perguntando em tom áspero o que estava acontecendo.
Como é bom gostar de alguém. A esperança de novo vem. E nos é permitido sonhar. Do qual não se quer acordar. No peito só há uma vontade. A de junto do outro estar. A distância aumenta a saudade. E cresce a vontade de se ver. A presença do outro invade. E continua sempre a crescer. O medo até tenta atrapalhar. Vem com dúvidas ao coração. Mas a paixão o faz calar. E só nos deixa ouvir sua canção.