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Sunday, June 12, 2011.
Blog Educacional, recursos e ferramentas para o ensino de línguas. 11 de junho de 2008. Como dito no primeiro post, este blog foi criado para o registro das atividades da Disciplina Seminário Tópico Variável em Linguagem e Tecnologia; visão panorâmica sobre o ensino de línguas mediado por computador, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Linguísticos da UFMG, sobre orientação da Profª Drª Vera Menezes. Agradecemos a todos, pela oportunidade de nos conhecermos e, principalmente, interagirmos.
WEB 20 Toolbox for the High School ESOL Classroom. Technology and learning from the perspective of a fledgling ESOL teacher. Monday, July 2, 2012. This blog post features two ideas for using podcasts in the ESOL classroom and includes a sample podcast I created to use with my class. Students will create a w.
Apply ICT in English Teaching in the real classroom- Please click on. ELT Useful Links and Ideas. Warwick ICT-Websites In Class 2. Saturday, 30 April 2011. Zimmer Twins -Make a Movie. What is it about? Through the animation clips provided.
Friday, May 18, 2012. When they are finished for the day, both teachers and students are looking for exciting ways to express their ideas and things they are learning and have learned throughout the year.
Sunday, January 3, 2010. So far, I am just not blown away to the extent that I was with A Whole New Mind.
Who needs to blog anyway? Thursday, June 10, 2010. Rain Man is a 1988 Hollywood comedy-drama starring Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise in lead roles. The context and the theme is such that one can easily relate to it even in the present day and I dare say even in the future days to come. Monday, December 14, 2009. We arrived in Köln on a we.
Einmal eine Boing 737 zu fliegen macht Spaß möglich ist das in München. Ich bin hier am 15 Januar 2013 eingecheckt und bin nach Miami Beach geflogen. Desweiteren nach Mallorce und Zürich. Ein kleiner Aussschnitt im folgenden Video. Landung in Zürich und gleich durchgestartet über die Alpen! Mysql Abfrage um die letzten News zu zeigen. Und befindet sich oben re.
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